Driving and the law - Information for young people
Below is a series of traffic fact sheets with detailed legal information about driving, licensing and traffic offences.
These cover the following topics:
Traffic Fact Sheet 1 - Getting a drivers licence in NSW (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 2 – Registering your vehicle (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 3 – Driving without a licence (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 4 – Licence suspension and appeals (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 5 – Demerit points (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 6 – Speeding (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 7 - Serious traffic offences and courts (updated October 2017)
Traffic Fact Sheet 8 - Drugs, alcohol and driving (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 9 - Traffic accidents (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 10 - Driving and mobile phone use (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 11 - Motorbikes and scooters (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 12 - Pushbikes and non-motorised vehicles (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 13 - Confiscation, impounding and forfeiture of vehicles (forthcoming)
Traffic Fact Sheet 14 - Important changes to licence disqualification laws in 2017 (updated October 2017)
To download these, you will need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, download it from the Adobe site.
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